Hi Everybody,
Here we are, it is time to (finally) release the first piece of comic depicting the adventures of my Lara-like character Léa Delacroix. This one a is short SFW free comic with dialogues wrote by s-incubus.
If you want more spicy stuff you’ll have to wait a little bit :-). Episode one with plenty of sex is coming in a couple months.
Author: bobbytally
Commission: A Girl to Pay for
Hello everybody,
I’d like to share a commission I’ve just finished. It’s a 12 pictures mini-set involving Maya. Thank you to the commissioner!
watch the mini-set online or download
Status update: Léa Delacroix comic
Hello Everyone,
I’m currently working on my next comic involving Léa Delacroix, a treasure-hunter character inspired by you-know-who. The plan is to release a free prologue in a couple weeks, and then a full comic. I can’t tell a precise release date but hopefully in one month or two. Keep posted!
Comic released: Queen Mayala Chapter III
Hello everybody,
As promised, third chapter of Queen Mayala has been released today! It includes 175 high-quality images, and rhyming dialogues by the excellent s-incubus.
Queen Mayala is an erotic fantasy comic taking place in ancient Greece.
After her initiation to the art of sex with Agdistis, Mayala is ready
to accomplish her mission: to convince the king to stop the war. Will
she be able to use her brand new talents to achieve her goal?
Get yourself a copy on my gumroad store!
If you haven’t read chapters I and II, get them here (chapter I is free).
Queen Mayala Chapter III to be released soon
Hello everyone,
I’ve just finished to render all the pictures of my next comic Queen Mayala – Chapter III. I realized that I’m working on it for almost three years. Not continuously of course but still…
I’m also very proud that s-incubus accepted to write the dialogs. If you don’t know him, take a look at his DA page.
The comic has 178 pages and will be released soon. Keep posted!
Mayala Lais of Corinth Mayala
Queen Mayala mini-set
Hi everyone,
I’m mainly working on the Chapter 3 of Queen Mayala. I really hope to release it for Christmas, but it’s not going to be easy. I’ve made 100 pics on 150 so far…
I’ve also worked on a commission involving Queen Mayala. Here are a few pictures from it. Please note that this mini-set is not part of the canonical Mayala’s story. Big thanks to the commissioner.
Have fun and take care guys!
Status update
Hello everybody,
Still working hard, mainly on Queen Mayala Chapter III and the game “Clinical Test”.
Regarding Queen Mayala, I re-rendered a bunch of images I was not satisfied with. I’m still undecided about the ending of this chapter. I have two different possibilities in mind (a bad one and a happy one).
Concerning the game “Clinical Test”, I’m mostly working on programming. As I’m learning how to use Renpy at the same time, it takes time, but I really enjoy it
Below some previews of Queen Mayala Chapter III.
Take care everybody!
Mayala and the King Mayala and King’s servant Mayala walking naked to the King
Status update and comic release
Hello everybody!
If you want to download the new comic without reading this post just go to the bottom.
It’s been a while since my last post! I’d like to give you some updates about my current work and projects. First of all, besides my 3dx activity, I have a full-time job and a social life. So, believe me, I’d really love to create more and be more active but I just don’t have time for that. I’m also not sure how I should work: big projects, or more frequently released mini projects (for example 100+ page comic once/twice a year, or a mini-comic every month…). Tips are welcome
About my projects, I’m currently working on several projects at the same time. I’m always telling myself that I should work on a single project at a time to be more efficient but I just can’t get 100% focused for several months on the same thing. Anyway, here are the projects I’m working on:
- A Tomb-Raider like comic (~ 25% done)

- Queen Mayala Chapter III (~ 50% done)

- A point and click adventure game named “Clinical Test” (~ 30% done)

- A comic of the serie “The wonderful sexlife of Maya and Megan” (recently renamed “The [sex]life of Maya Parker” btw) ( ~ 40% done)

- The second part of the comic “After-Party” (10% done), the first part being released in this very post – see below!
So, here it is, a 97 pages full-HD free comic. It started as a small commission, but ended to be a full length comic. The main character is inspired from Kate Upton at 2016 Oscar party (you can easly google that). There will be a part 2 released probably next year.
Hope you like it!

Mini set released: Busted
Hi everybody,
Hope you had great holidays!
I would like to share with you this new 35-image set involving officer Parker.
>>> watch online <<< or >>> download <<<
Nameless Princess
Hi everybody,
Remember that nameless princess? I got some good propositions for her name but I have not choosen yet. It doesn’t mean I won’t make new renders of her though. So… here it is.
Commission: Pigtails
Hi everybody,
Here is my first official commission
Big thanks to David!
Officer P. – Gallery
Hi everybody,
Just a collection of my officer P. renders
Comic released: Maya and Will (part 2)
Hey guys,
As promised, I rendered additional images of Maya and Will. Hope you like them and do not hesitate to give me your feedback
>>> download 51 images <<< or >>> watch online <<<
Status update
Hi everybody,
I wanted to share my ongoing work. The two big projects that I would like to finish in 2018 are:
- Queen Mayala chapter III
- Léa – treasure hunter
I have been working on these projects for so long now and I must say it does not progress as fast as I would like… but it is how it is. I recently finalize the girl named Solène who will be one of the main character of Léa (see pictures below).
At the same time I make smaller image set. I expect to release soon more images of Maya and Will (see preview below).
And last but not least, I am developing a plugin to watch comics online. You can try it here with Maya and Megan episode 4. Keep in mind that it is under development so it is probably full of bugs.
cheers and have fun!
Mini-set released: Vice Squad
Hello everybody,
So many ideas and so little time… My comic projects are currently on pause. I can only provide images for my DevianArt page, hopefuly once a week.
Speaking of which, you might have noticed that I recently published several images around the Vice Squad thematic. They seem somewhat popular and as I like the idea, I created a short set featuring officer Parker. She gives a lot of herself to show you what is not allowed in the (sad) world where she lives…
Comic released: Maya and Will (part 1)
Hey guys,
I just want to share a work I started a long time ago. It remains unfinished but let’s be honest, I will never continue its development. The orginal idea was to depict a sort of sex battle between Maya and a guy named Will. The first who makes the other one cum wins! I had originally planned to make about 80 images. Here are the 32 I have actually rendered.
>>> download 32 images @ 1920x1080px <<<
Mini-set released: Office love
Hi everybody,
Sadly, I must admit to myself that I have no time to produce full-length comics consistently. So, to compensate, here is a mini-set featuring two office girls ready for a nasty work session.
>>> download the mini-set <<< (12 pics@1920x1080px)
Mini-set released: Chloe’s still here
Hi everyone!
A recent comment asked whether Chloe would come back one day. Here she is…
Mini-set released: Simply Maya
Hi everybody,
I was testing a new skin material for maya. Here is the result. Hope you like it
preview below – download 10 pictures
Status update
Hi everyone,
I am still working on my next comic featuring Lea, Solene and Sam (see pictures below). It is a Tomb Raider-like comic with a lots of adventures and sex! I have rendered 20 pictures out of around 150. Hopefully it will be done for next summer.