Mini set featuring Miss Delacroix

Hi everyone!

Hope you guys had a wonderful summer. Mine was sooo good but it is already over. The good news is that I’m going back to my work on Léa Delacroix Special Issue featuring Irina (introduced in episode 2). I hope I can release it in one month or two, but I cannot promise anything.

As a bonus I rendered a few pictures of Miss Delacroix. Hope you like them 🙂

Take care!

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Queen Mayala mini-set

Hi everyone,

I’m mainly working on the Chapter 3 of Queen Mayala. I really hope to release it for Christmas, but it’s not going to be easy. I’ve made 100 pics on 150 so far…

I’ve also worked on a commission involving Queen Mayala. Here are a few pictures from it. Please note that this mini-set is not part of the canonical Mayala’s story. Big thanks to the commissioner.

Have fun and take care guys!

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